Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Under the weather

I haven't posted in a while but I am still here. I have not ran in a while unfortunately but I am still doing the half marathon! I have done Zumba the past 2 weeks alone. I need to really get after it, but sadly my oldest boy is sick and we are spending our second night in the hospital. He has rotavirus and was severely dehydrated from the N/V/D. Hopefully if his labs normalize by tomorrow we can go home. Please pray for his little body to heal!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Still moving!

I haven't blogged my workouts since my last 5k. Sorry! Sometimes life gets busy and the blog gets tossed aside :/. Last Wednesday I was off and I enjoyed it. It was a beautiful day and I took advantage. I jumped on the bike for a much needed ride! I was headed for a ride and then to the gym for Zumba. Not even 10 minutes into my ride my drink holder broke off and down went my water bottle and water. I double backed to the house and got a fresh bottle of water and off I went. I rode 3.19 miles including the distance up to the gym for Zumba! I forgot how much I enjoyed riding! I can't wait to get back on! It didn't make my feet hurt at all and that is a blessing!! I then did 10m26s on the elliptical or elli for short as I call her which was 0.76 miles then off to Ben's class for 55 minutes of Zumba! It felt good! Then I rode the 1.22 miles home in 8m25s. It was such a nice change if pace. After this half marathon I am thinking of just doing the other runs I have planned which are mostly 5Ks and continuing with Zumba and biking again to help with my weight loss journey and to assist with decreasing the pain.

I weighed in for the first 2013 Titan Challenge that same morning of Wednesday, February 6th as well. In the month and a half since the last challenge ended I have only lost 1.4 pounds and I know I can do way better! I plan on working hard and my goal is to lose at least 15 pounds this challenge! I lost 12.2 pounds last challenge so it is totally doable! After all I want to see the 190s by the time I turn 30!! These are my two goals! I'll keep you all updated on how it goes!

Much love!

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just like I have loved you; that you also love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Graffiti Run Fun

Caitlin and I had a BLAST at the Graffiti Run in Ft. Worth last Saturday! Sorry it took so long to post, I have just been busy. The drive was basically a straight shot and only a few turns which wasn't bad at all, the Google map app on my phone took us right where we needed to be. We even got a front row parking spot which was nice. The race started at some field complex and went along the river bank. It was beautiful! There were about 3 hills, but it wasn't bad. My RunKeeper app said it took me 53m08s for 3.34 miles. I ran the first 1.5 miles and then we alternated running and walking and took several pictures. Caitlin's mom and niece and nephew came up at the end to be apart of the color after party with us. We saw them before the finish line and hugged them and then Caitlin and I ran to the finish line and we took a bunch of pics before I realized I hadn't turned off my app. It wasn't about time tho, it was about fun! And we had a lot of fun!

 Before our wave started. The start line was at the balloons
We ran in waves and had several start lines.
 Thumbs up! I'm ready to race!
 Caitlin along the river bank
 Me and Caitlin, we somehow mixed up our numbers in this pic.
 After the race
 Running the first 1.5 miles, and after the first color. I heart pink!
 Me and my cousin Karen! I'm so glad we found each other in the 1000s of people.
Glad she had this great idea also!
 Thumbs up! Ready to start this run!
 After....I hated the orange on my head lol
 Stopping for a photo op. 1 color down 3 more to go
 Before the race!
Showing off our awesome glasses!
The registration said you get a shirt and a headband, 
but lucky for us it was a shirt and these awesome sun glasses!

 Finish line!
We did it!!

The Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you.
2 Thessalonians 3:3

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Miracle Match 10K Results

The results for the all the Miracle Match Marathon runs are up!
I surprisingly didn't come in last! Although if I had, I would still be proud of myself for finishing! In the 10K division, there were 77 runners. I got 74th! Eric got 69th and Caitlin got 70th! I am very proud to have put my mind to it and finished it!  My official time was 1h37m29s. The professional pics are up also. I like one of them and may buy if for a scrapbook later. 
This is what victory looks like! 10K finishers baby!!
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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Race Day 5K

Caitlin and I are on our way to Ft. Worth for the Graffiti Run! Wish us luck!