Sunday, January 27, 2013

Race Day 10K!!!

Today was a great day for a race! The weather couldn't have been more perfect! It wasn't too hot or too cold. There was cloud cover the entire time which meant no sun beating down on us! It was beautiful scenery as well. We ran through the Baylor University Campus and along the Brazos River. Aside from a little bit of construction work by the new Baylor Stadium location, it was beautiful! They had about 4-5 water or Powerade stations along my 10K route with people cheering. It was really encouraging. My shirt caught lots of peoples attention and they spoke with me asking if this was my first half marathon. I replied with no, this is my first 10K and if they seemed interested I shared that I started training December 6th for my first half Marathon later this year. And they all told me that I could do it and great job, etc. Caitlin and her boyfriend, Eric, are faster joggers than me so they finished about 10 minutes or so before me, so I was on my own. But God had BIG plans for me today! I encountered many great people along my route today. Starting with my husbands text right before the race started that read {Good luck. You can do it. Hebrews 12:1 I Love You!} Weird how I used that very verse yesterday in my post. When I began this journey and thought of this blog name I knew I had the HEART to do this. I can usually set my mind to doing something and then do it! I knew I would SWEAT along the way, after all, this is running and I'm a big girl. I figured somewhere along the way I would shed a few TEARS. Well the first of those TEARS came today! Caitlin asked me if David was coming and I told her that I asked him to come and bring the boys to cheer me on at the finish line. Caitlin said "You know he will be at the finish line." I had hoped, and not long into the race I thought about it and began to tear up. I wanted them to be proud of me. About 2 miles into the run I was on the Baylor Campus and a lady jogs on up beside me and says "You looked like you could use this," and she began reading from her note pad. She said "JOB 8:7 tells us though you started with little, you will end with much!" I looked at her and said thank you and we recognized each other. Turns out she was one of my old Nursing School instructors, Dr. Tipton. She then said, "God just spoke to me and told me to share this with you, and it turns out I know you!" God does work in mysterious ways. I began to cry as she told me again, "Job 8:7, you claim that and you will go far!" Powerful words, and so inspiring! This happened right after I had prayed to God thanking him for a beautiful run and the encouraging people along the way. It's funny how He knows just what we need right when we need it!! I met an old Papaw along the route also, he was so sweet and cute and he had been behind me and caught up to me a little over half way through. We had a short nice conversation and he took off faster than me. Wow, what an inspiration!!! He was at least 70 something! The race finish line was at the end of the suspension bridge. You run all the way across it and the finish line is right at the end. There was a photographer taking pics at the finish line and spoke to me at the end, but I'm not sure what she said, I think she told me to smile! lol But all I wanted to do was cry! This was a big achievement for me! I saw Caitlin at the finish line and she held her hands up for a high 10 and said "We did it!" and we had! She then pointed me to David and the boys! I went right over and hugged and kissed that sweet husband of mine. I not only did this for me, but for him and those two sweet boys that he got out of bed at 8:30 on a Saturday and hauled down to the suspension bridge to cheer Mom on! And I was thankful!! Again, the tears fell!!
Caitlin and I 
Our first picture of the morning!
 Eric and Caitlin
Me and Caitlin again, before the race.
 The fire truck ladder holding up the flag!
Look at all the people!
The hubs sent this to me, He caught the last leg of my race!
See me under the bridge?!
Pics the hubs took of me approaching the finish line
Trying to finish strong!
See the professional photographer,? I swear she told me to smile! So I did.
My RunKeeper app I had going the entire time told me I ran 6.79 miles in 1h38m56s. However, I didn't stop it until after I saw David and the boys and was walking around the barricade to kiss them. So I don't know my exact official time, hopefully it will be up soon! But it looks like it was 1h37m21s by one of the pics the hubs took. Either way, I'm proud of myself for jogging nonstop the entire way and not giving up on myself and for finishing! I'm Blessed by the Grace of God!!
Trying to catch my breath and drink some water!
Caitlin and I at the end
Me and MY BOYS! Such big supporters!! I couldn't do this without the love and support of my wonderful husband, David, and my boys! I'm not only doing this for myself and to get healthy for me, but I am doing it for them, and to be healthy so I can be around for them to play, run, & chase after them!
 Me, Caitlin, and Eric 10K finishers!!! 
WOOHOO! Great job guys!I couldn't do it without you Caitlin! 
Thanks for the support, friendship, and love! And for doing this with me!!
 Caden playing afterwards in the bounce house!
Cutest little guy around! 
Graysen was there too, he was in the stroller though. I'm  not gunna lie, I was hurting afterward, that is for sure! My knees and my feet were sore. I tried putting the feet in an ice bath, but that only lasted a few, minimal seconds! I've been taking Aleve and Ibuprofen. Hopefully I'll feel better come morning time cause I work another 12 hour shift tomorrow. I'm excited for this weekends fun 5K Graffiti Run!!

And though you started with little, you will end with much.
Job 8:7 NLT

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tomorrow is a BIG day, 10K!!!

I am super excited to report that tomorrow is my 10K run for the Miracle Match in Waco, Texas! I haven't ran this far of a distance yet so I am very excited to have the opportunity! I'm praying for a great pain free run. My right foot is sore today, but I took some Ibuprofen and I'm sure I will be ready to go by morning. It may slow me down, but it WILL NOT stop me! Big shout out and THANKS to Hot-T's Screenprinting in Lorena for getting my fabulous shirts (pictured) ready in less than 24 hours! I'll take plenty of pics tomorrow before and after the race and let you all know how Caitlin and I do! 

XOXOpost signature

Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. 
Hebrews 12:1

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Keep on keeping on

Today was another Zumba day with Ben! I enjoy Zumba, but it seems on days I run before Zumba I don't give it my all. While I still sweat and burn calories, I think I could do more if I wasn't running first. Or maybe it is just in my head. Running makes my muscles burn! What can I do for that? More stretching? Today before Zumba I jogged 2.03 miles in 31m15s. Then it was Zumba time! I'm debating on which days the rest of this week to rest since my 10K is Sunday. I won't be running Saturday for sure because I will be at work 7-7. Caitlin and her boyfriend (I think) will be running the 10K also. I'm hoping I am prepred for this 6.2 as it will be my farthest distance to date. I'm excited, however I'm not sure whether I am more excited to see if I can do it or to get it over with! lol
Hope yall have a good night, this girl is tired and wore out! Bed time soon!

The Lord will work out his plans for my life. 
Psalm 138:8

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To weigh or not to weigh

This morning when I woke up I contemplated whether to weigh or not to weigh. I finally decided to roll out of bed and get on the scale. Just as I had suspected, no loss. A gain even. I weighed in at 223.4, a 0.4 gain since my last weigh in. Now I could be discouraged but I'm not. I have been running and working out and gaining muscle! I also know that I haven't eaten the best in the past 2 weeks. Now I haven't eaten the worst either, but I've eaten tortillas lately and another package made it's way into my house! Anyone need some tortillas? You can come pick them up at my house!! Plus I haven't been drinking nearly as much water as I should. I know I need at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day and even more since I am training. My daily goal is going to be to make sure I drink drink drink my water! This will be my new motto:

 Like I mentioned yesterday, a non scale victory I have noticed is my leg muscles becoming more defined and my friend told me yesterday that my arm muscles are too. I don't know about the arm ones but I have noticed it in my legs. Also a friend of mine said I was looking slimmer, that is music to my ears! My rings are also bigger, falling off even. Weird how I've always noticed that I lose weight in my fingers, hands and boobs first. I enjoy seeing these NSV's and know I am well on my way to a healthier me!

I'm ready for Zumba tonight and a short run as well! I can't wait! I also need to study. I have a TNCC class tomorrow and Friday in Temple to get re-certified before mine expires in February. 
Hope you all have a great day! 

"Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk." 
~Dali Lama

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 17 and counting

I just realized I haven't weighed in in a while. I will be jumping on the scale tomorrow. Well I may break it if I jump so I'll slowly stand on it! I don't think I have lost any but a total non scale victory is I am seeing definition in some of my leg muscles! 
Today was a Zumba day with the sis-in-law! I have made a recent habit of leaving the house early for Zumba to get a short run in. Today Liza jogged with me because I wanted to jog outside and it was already getting dark out. So we had 20 minutes before Zumba started and we headed out the door. We chatted the entire way and did 1.19 miles in 17m57s. Then had a great Zumba class afterward! 
Us after our jog!
I have registered now for 2 runs!! It is really happening! I registered for this Sunday's 10K and Next Saturday's 5K! I am super excited for the Miracle Match 10K and the Graffiti Run 5K! My cousin Karen and I talked today about putting some more runs on the calendar! Such runs as the Pretty Muddy and the Color Run! We have also talked about the Super Sprint Duathlon and The Savage!! But after looking at the Savage, I think I need to be more physically fit for that. That is the kind of race I want to do at the end of the year or early next year! And I of course am still planning on doing the Bearathon! After all, that is what started all of this! :) We shall see what all progresses with our work schedules! Caitlin is also planning on doing several races with me and I can't wait! Maybe tomorrow I will put together a preview schedule for you all to check out and tell me what you think. So far only 3 races are set in "stone" the Miracle Match 10K on January 27th and the Graffiti Run on Feb. 2nd. I have paid for those two and of course the other one set in "stone" is the Bearathon. 
Prayers are welcome as I continue to battle ankle/foot/knee pain and lose weight and train to prepare for these runs. I'll have to bring the hubs up to speed also and get his seal of approval! 

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 16 Distances?!

After another 3 days without training, I must say it was hard to get back at it today, but I was determined. It was good to see and spend time with family I haven't spent time with in quite a while. Turns out both my cousin Karen and myself are both running as of late. She is on a journey to run a 5k and invited me to do it with her. That is where my interest in the Ft. Worth Graffiti run came in! I talked to the hubs and I am putting it on the calendar! I am trying to talk a few friends into doing it with me so I don't have to make the drive to and from Ft. Worth all alone. I am also interested in putting other runs or events on my calendar so that I will continue to have goals to obtain to keep me motivated and accountable! I told myself the other day that after this half marathon I may go back to biking more in order to get in shape and stay healthy because biking is easier on the knees. After all in 2011 I did a 26 mile bike ride in the Wild West 100 Bike Tour, and I loved it. I lost weight training for it as well. I didn't do in in 2012 because I had just had a Cesarean section and only had 4 weeks to train after being cleared and before the event. But I am looking forward to it this year. And hoping my riding partner in crime, Tracy, is up for the challenge again this year! 
Go here to get more info! 
My friend Tracy (left) and myself in 2011 at the 
Wild West 100 Bike Tour
Another event I am toying with doing is a super sprint duathlon in Houston. Which is a shorter duathlon. I am thinking the duathlon instead of the triathlon because I can't swim. Not very well at least and not enough to trust myself for a triathlon in a lake! So I figure the duathlon is perfect. Go here to check out more info on that event. I'm blessed to have a husband who supports me and all my hair brained ideas! A regular Lucy and Ricky I would say, and I usually have an Ethel I get to go along with me in most cases as well.
Today that Ethel was my friend Caitlin. She jogged along with me today, well for the most part we jogged together. We did 5.19 miles in 1h21m42s and had an elevation climb of 205 feet! I jogged a little over the first mile the entire way and the second mile we walked about 0.85 of it because Caitlin got nauseated. But at 2 miles I was like we are jogging from here on out and so we did! It was a beautiful day and I was excited to get some distance in! After all, next Sunday is the 10k! 
^ this is Caitlin and myself after our 5.19 miles! 
Wore out!!

I've been having a second thought about the 10K though. And my thought is this, the Bearathon (the half marathon I am training for) closes after 4 hours. I have a fear of not finishing! So before then I want to walk or walk and jog a half marathon to make sure that I can do it in the 4 hour time frame. Even though my goal is to be jogging the entire Bearathon. I want to make sure that no matter what happens that day, that I finish! So I was thinking, maybe instead of doing the 10K on Sunday that I do the half marathon (same day and same event just different distances available) and walk it. Thoughts? I may check out the price difference for the race before I decide! I need to hurry and register though! I hope you all have a good week! My oldest boy woke up burning up and my niece was diagnosed with the flu this morning. After being with her all weekend long, I am sure he has the flu too! Prayers for healing is appreciated!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Face lift? Why yes!!

Special thanks to Jess for the new look to the blog! I am loving it so far! I worked today so of course no workout. Although the wheels were turning on future runs and plans. I spoke with my cousin Karen tonight who is planning on doing a 5K on February 2, 2013 in Ft. Worth. It looks so fun! It's called the Graffiti Run. I am planning on talking to the hubs about it tomorrow because I really want to be able to do it with her! We shall see! It looks like tons of fun. Check it out! Hope you all have a blessed night. Praying for my family in the recent loss of a loved one. Grandpa Vela you will be greatly missed. Your family and friends love you! Heaven gained another angel! 

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And I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Blessed indeed," says the spirit, "that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow then!"
Revelation 14:13

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 15

I'm ready for a warmer day! I need training outside the confined four walls of the gym! In the mean time, I like being able to improve on my best mile time. Maybe one day I will run it under 10 minutes?! Who knows.  Today I went to the gym for my mile and Zumba. I am well aware that I need distance training but that isn't happening in the gym. It's too hot and I don't feel free. The thing I love about running outdoors (the only thing I love about running) is I'm in God's house! I enjoy the scenery and the one on one time I have to pray and get my head straight. It's hard to do that in the gym! I did my 1.00 mile today in 12m02s! Again beating yesterdays time which I am proud of, but my knees felt it. I am excited for the day when I can exercise pain free! It will come eventually, I just have quite a few pounds to shed in the mean time! It's a struggle, a work in progress, but I am working on it! I feel that this is my year, my time to shine! There are so many things I want to accomplish this year, like losing another 40 pounds, getting my CEN, and getting accepted into graduate school. Life as I know it is great, a blessing from the Lord above! I have two absolutely adorable, handsome, and fun loving little boys, a handsome, honorable, God fearing husband, a nice house, new car, and a job I love, great family and friends and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. What more could a girl want?! Well like I said, to lose 40 pounds this year, get my CEN, and get accepted into graduate school. Oh, and to run this 13.1!! I can do it! I will do it! I thought today was Zumba Sentao with Ben, but it was regular Zumba, don't get me wrong, I love Zumba, but I was hoping for the leg workout in Zumba Sentao.

This is me (in the middle) tonight with my two great Zumba instructors: The sis in law, Liza and Ben! I heart these two. They are helping me change for the better! A change that is long over due for my health! Thank you guys for helping me with my workouts! 

And another special thanks to ^ this man! Who makes my workouts possible, is my cooker of yummy, healthy meals, and my biggest fan! I love you baby! Blessed to call you mine! 

Love never fails...
1 Corinthians 13:8


Promise Yourself

I came across this on a friends facebook page the other day and I think it is beautiful! It rings true to me and my life right now and all the improvements I'm trying to make. God is my Pilot and as Gabrielle Douglas said, "I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me!"  I hope you enjoy! 

“Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in faith that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are true to the best that is in you.”
― Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm still here: Day 14

Every other weekend I work 3 days in a row, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. This past weekend was one of those weekends, so when that happens, I am 99% certain I will not be running! Besides in the emergency room, I run there a lot! Literally sometimes too! Thankfully, I love my job! So every other weekend I won't be training for 3 days! :/ Which makes days like today harder! It is freezing here still, so you guessed it, no outdoor training for this girl! I headed up to the gym a little early tonight before Zumba to get a short jog in. I was like ok, lets get this mile done! After all, I barely had time to do the mile and be in Zumba for the first song! Why was it at 0.15 of that mile I was debating on quitting at a quarter of a mile or half of a mile?! To get to Zumba on time? Could it have been the 3 day sabbatical from running? Yes, my foot hurt, but that wasn't it, actually the longer I ran, the less it hurt! Is it the treadmill running? Or the I don't want tos? Whatever it is, it needs to stop, quick! I have less than two weeks before I run my first 10K! I am super excited to give this a try! Luckily, I pushed and convinced myself to do the full mile. After all, I would only be cheating myself if I didn't do it all. I ran the 1.00 mile in 12m10s! Yup, you guessed it, I beat my best time. I started out at 0.5 incline and 4.7 mph pace. At the half mile mark I dropped the incline and picked up speed doing 5.0 and finishing strong at 5.8mph! Then I did Liza's 50 minute Zumba class, and worked my arms doing the big rope and bench pressed 2 sets of 15 reps. I added 5 pounds to the bar on the second set tonight also! Gotta get these arms in shape too and lose the purses I carry around! lol  I'm also excited that a new Titan Challenge will be starting later this month! The tentative date for the start of the challenge is January 26th, which I work so I will have to weigh in 3 days late on Tuesday the 29th. But better late than never! I'm going for the win this time! Last challenge I lost 12.2 lbs which was 5.045% body weight and 15 inches! It's on this time! Praising God for helping me through tonights mile and every mile! I couldn't do it without Him!

To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. 
Luke 19:26

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Heart, Sweat, and Tears: Day 13

Day 13! Wow, it seems I've been at this a whole lot longer than 13 days! Well at least my heart has been in it for longer than 13 days! It is coming in at a little over a month since I thought up this brainy crazy idea! Read that story here. I find it so very hard to find time to train! It's busy in the Davidson household! The little guy has been sick for the past 4 days and today was the first day he was able to manage to smile! I love his smile! He has been fussy all day and not sleeping at night since he got sick. So to see a smile creep up on his face was nice, however, its nearly midnight and he's still up! He had been in bed by 8:30 or 9 on a regular basis and sleeping through the night. Hopefully he will get back to that normal routine when he starts to feel better! On days I work it is hard to want to workout especially this time of year when we are so busy, all I want to do is shower and sleep when I get home! I'm going to try to do something active on days I work. I mean other than walking all over the ER! Maybe something like stretching for 10 minutes when I get home or doing 50 squats?! What are your suggestions? On days I don't work which are 4 days a week I try to hit Zumba on the days it is available because I really enjoy doing that! But since I started this new endeavor, I feel like I'm not training if I only do Zumba. It's hard to get the time to do Zumba and is even harder if I try to add something else on top of it! The hubs is such a trooper! I am so blessed by him! Again today I was able to sneak away for an hour and a half while the hubs kept the boys. Now I realize an hour and a half isn't a lot to ask the hubs to watch his boys, but this is after working 8 hours, going to the grocery store and cooking (he is the cook in the house). Plus bath time has always been daddy time so he usually does that too! So yes, it's hard for me to ask extra of him! I am truly blessed to have a man that does all this for me and does it all without complaining! I know how lucky I am!

Today when I headed for the gym the hubs asked if I wanted to leave early to run. What a guy! So I left earlier in order to get a short run in and then do Zumba Sentao (Zumba with a chair see pic below) with Ben. I forgot my sweat towel and I was drenching sweat the whole time. I only did one mile again, but I did it with an incline of 0.5 the first half mile then I dropped the incline and picked up the pace. I beat Tuesdays time and did it in 12m45s! So I only beat Tuesdays time by a few seconds but I beat it!

I may be slow, but at least I am doing it! I will get there! Slowly, but surely! No pun intended :) It is a hard job, but I know it will be worth it in the end and I will look great and feel better eventually!

Jesus never promised it would be easy, just that it would be worth it!

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Matthew 7:13-14

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Still at it day 12

Well, my little guy is still sickly. He isn't a fussy baby at all and he has been so fussy the passed 2 days! I mean more than he has been since he was born! So when the hubs got off of work tonight and came home it was Zumba time! He was worried cause I used some extra time last night and ran the extra mile on the treadmill and he wanted me to be home ASAP tonight. So I headed to the gym and decided to jump on the treadmill first thing. I did one mile on hills profile level 1 in 12m48s. I really tried to push myself. I got my fastest average pace! Super excited for that. Then I headed into my sis-in-laws Zumba class and did 40 minutes of Zumba. My right knee started to hurt me during Zumba today, again another reason why I need to stretch before workouts! Then I did 2 sets of 15 reps on the bench press. Only the 45 pound bar of course, it's been so long since I lifted any type of weights, it felt good though. I need to start incorporating weight training in my training also! Lots I need to work on, but I will get there!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sickly Day 11

I woke up this morning to get ready for work and my little guy was awake moaning in his bed. I picked him up to go change his diaper and feed him and his skin was on fire! His rectal temperature was 103.0! Poor baby! My mother in law watches him on days I work, but she had just gotten over pneumonia after being sick with it since Christmas. I couldn't chance her getting sick again so I reluctantly called into work. It was either me or the hubs and we decided it was better for me to call in, instead of him. The nursing supervisor was completely understanding. Many co workers have been sick lately, after all, we do work in the emergency room and flu and RSV season are in full swing! This year they made us all get the flu vaccine, or if we didn't get one we have to wear a mask to work. I of course got one like I have the passed few years along with my hubs and oldest son, Caden. Graysen, however couldn't  get it because he isn't 6 months old yet. The doctor tested him for the flu, but it was negative. He was sure he would have been positive, even a weak positive, but to no avail it was negative. Which I am thankful for, but the doc also said it was flu like so we just wait for the virus to run its course. Poor little guy is miserable. Thankfully Caden was with my in laws today doing fun things and away from sick brother. But first thing when he came home this evening he came right up to me holding Graysen and says "how is brother?" He loves his little brother! And I'm a proud mama for that! Graysen is just so miserable. He was napping this evening so I decided to leave him with daddy and head out to Zumba. I felt guilty for doing so, but I needed an hour and a half of sanity, and Graysen needed daddy time. I did a 50 minute Zumba Sentao class tonight with Ben and it was a good workout! He focused a lot on legs and arms today which I needed. I felt a lot stronger during Zumba tonight than I had been feeling. I decided during Zumba that I would get a small run in afterward and do a quick mile on the treadmill. I did 1 mile, yes only one! I did level one hills on the treadmill in 13m27s, I was proud of that time since I had just done Zumba. While I'm aware that I need to be doing further distances I was on a time crunch tonight because I wanted to hurry and get back home to my sick little guy. Daddy had given him a bath and he was swinging in his swing when I got home, so I sat down to eat the yummy healthy meal the hubs had prepared for me. But when I did, I heard Graysen moaning again. Temp back up to 103.6 :( Poor little guy is breaking my heart. So I gave him some Tylenol and some cold juice and rocked him until he fell asleep. Hopefully he will get some good rest. Hoping to jog again tomorrow night if possible as well! Here's to good health for my little guy, my little family and you all! Have a blessed night!

Strength is not measured in muscle, but in will. -M. Morrow

I almost forgot! I weighed in at 223 pounds this morning! Down 1.2 since my last weigh in and down 22 pounds since September 1st! Moving right along toward my goal! The gym is doing another Fitness Challenge again starting January 26th! Check it out here for more information. I'm super excited for it and to run my first 10K on January 27th! Stay tuned for details!

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV

Friday, January 4, 2013

Training Day 10!

Finally in the double digits! Woohoo! I thought they would never get here! It is still cold around here so it was another treadmill day at the gym. The gym was hot though and I made the mistake of running in warm pants. I listened to music though and it helped the time pass. There was only 3 other people in the gym that I noticed so it was real quiet. The hubs wanted me to hurry home so I didn't do but 2 miles. Thank God he wanted me home though because I felt like I couldn't have gone any further. I've been using a life fitness treadmill and today I did the Hills exercise profile on it level 4. I figure since the half is hilly that I need all the hills I can get. It was difficult though, I was huffing and puffing. I started out with a 5 minute, 0.25 miles warm up walk. I jogged 2 miles in 26m46s I beat my Wednesday time my a few seconds plus I did the hills! Excited about that! But my legs sure were feeling it after wards, they were on fire!! FIRE! I tell you! I felt like my legs were going to give out not even half way through the run! My right foot also had this shocky feeling in it at the end which felt better after some stretching, it felt like a pinched nerve. It felt like it felt when the anesthesiologist did my spinal block when I had Graysen and when he missed, it would send a shooting feeling down my leg. That's how this "shocky" feeling felt. But No pain, no gain right?! I keep telling myself this! One day I will run pain free, until then, it's my battle! I do know however, that I need to stretch better before and after workouts. That is something I struggle with, but it is a work in progress! I ended the workout with a 6 minute, 0.26 mile hill walk for a cool down until I couldn't take the shocky feeling anymore and came home to stretch. The hubs was really helpful and showed me some stretches to use, he also had bought me some stretch cords a while back that he dug out and I used. This will get better, I know it! I am happy to announce that I am down 0.8 pounds! A small victory but a victory none the less and I am proud of it! I don't mind these small losses because they are steady and hopefully they will be easy to keep off. I hope you all have a good weekend! I'm going to Canton with my friend Melissa this weekend. Don't worry, while there won't be any running, there will be TONS of walking! Oh, and shopping!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 NIV

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Training Day 9!

Wow! Day 9 really?! It seems like so many more! Although I don't feel like it has been longer because I don't feel much stronger. I know that will come with time tho! Some days I find it so hard to get motivated to do things and other days it seems natural. I'm hoping for more natural days!  Today I was going to meet the sis in law, Liza, at the gym for Zumba but wanted to get 3 miles in on the treadmill first. The gym seemed busy today with fit camp and people who I guess were there after work, or maybe it was full of New Years Resolutioners, who knows. It was hot in there tho. I only did 2 miles, I almost quit after one mile, but talked myself into 2. I justified not doing 3 miles because I was doing Zumba after. Then after Zumba me and my friend Caitlin walked hills on the treadmill for 10 minutes with a 2 and a half minute cool down. It was a pretty good day I would say! The picture below is so true to me! That is definitely the hardest step! 

Even though I only did 2 miles today my tracker sent me an email that said I did a personal best, it was my fastest average pace so far and I did it in 27m08s. I averaged a 4.4 on the treadmill, did some 4.3 and a lot of 4.5 mph and increased speed to 4.7 and 5.0 at the end of each mile. Tomorrow I work another 12 hour shift so I'm sure I'll be too beat at the end of the day to want to do anything else. Hope you all have a happy Thursday!

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Looking back on 2012 I can't help but smile and think of how much God has blessed me with! The hubs and I celebrated 2 wonderful years of marriage! XoXo David I love you so very much! I started and finished the BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) program at Texas Tech University and I graduated drum roll please Summa Cum Laude! Our first born, Caden, turned 3! He is the wackiest, handsomest, most loving, smart 3 year old I know! The hubs got me my first brand new vehicle! Our 2nd son, Graysen, was born! He is the cuddliest, lovable, smiling, happiest, and handsomest little guy around. God showed me during Graysen's birth what putting trust in Him really meant! After 5 and a half years on night shift I finally became a day shifter. I made new relationships that will last a lifetime, reconnected with old friends, and let go of a few relationships. I lost all my baby weight after having Graysen and in the last four months of the year I committed myself to losing weight and lost 20 more pounds! I also started this blog and decided to commit to running my first half marathon! 2012 was a blessed year indeed! 

I'm am looking forward to 2013 and am excited to see where God leads me this year! I have given God the Pilot seat and I am living my life out for Him! I have set a few goals that I believe are attainable that I would like to achieve this year.

**2013 GOALS**

*Strengthen my relationship with God
*Love on my family more, worry less ~I am too blessed to be stressed!
*Enjoy my job and enjoy life!
*Apply for and get accepted to a Masters Degree Program
*Run my first 10K
*Run my first half marathon! 
*Lose 40-60 pounds

What are your New Year Resolutions? Or if you don't believe in them, what are some goals you want to set for yourself this year? Write them down, you are more apt to accomplish them if you do!

Happy New Year! I hope 2013 brings you all plenty of blessings! Love more than you should, laugh as often as you can, and put others first! 2012 was a great year in the Davidson household, praising God for all His blessings!

He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."

Revelation 21:5 NIV