Monday, December 31, 2012

Training Day 8 on the treadmill

Where do you prefer to train? On the treadmill or outside?
Today was cold and rainy so I went to the gym to get my jog in. I haven't ran on a treadmill in a long time! I remember trying to avoid it because I usually can't run or walk in a straight line. Plus I've always enjoyed the elliptical and bike as opposed to the treadmill when at the gym. Tonight the gym was quiet and although they have tv's I didn't take headphones with me. I didn't use the music on my iPhone because I didn't want to bother any of the other 4 people that were in there. So it was kind of a boring run for me. The perks however were that I can see and control my speed whereas I can't when I run outside. I just jog without knowing my pace unless I look at my tracker, but that doesn't give me a steady pace to go at. I liked being able to change my speed from time to time and see how fast I would run the mile in. I did 3.07 miles in 43m48s on the treadmill today, an average pace of 4.2 miles per hour. I kept changing it from 4.0 to 4.5 and in between or the machine did and it never let me go above 4.5 although I tried, I also tried to do an incline of 1 the entire time, but it kept dropping that down too. I think it was because I did the cardio mode and it made me keep checking my heart rate which was a bother. Since my heart rate was almost always above target it kept dropping my speed and elevation. What mode do you use to run on the treadmill? I think I will continue to run on the treadmill when it's cold out, but I'll have to take my headphones so I can listen to my music!

I am in the process of trying to find someone to work for me so I can run my first 10K the end of January. I have also requested off for the half marathon which happens to be on my weekend to work. Hoping it all works out in my favor! But I am going to keep on keeping on and train the best way I can! I am happy to report that as of Dec. 27th I am down to 225 from 245 on Sept 1st! I will weigh in in the morning before work as well so I know where I am at in the new year! Praying Blessings on everyone this New Year! God Bless!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

Friday, December 28, 2012

Getting back in the groove of things!

Well today I told myself I was going to jog no matter what! Well I did jog, but not very far. My niece Bailee and I went for a short jog this evening. It was freezing cold outside and the wind was blowing hard! My son Caden told me that he wanted it "not be windy no more." Cute little guy. Bailee and I sure felt it in our jog. We had on sweat shirts over our t-shirts, ear muffs, jogging pants, and gloves. Ski masks probably would have helped also! We jogged only 1.16 miles in 18m22s. The foot did pretty good, I really didn't notice much pain in it while jogging, but I did have some knee pain in my right knee, but that has been happening after Zumba, so I have gotten used to that. One day I will jog pain free, but until then: No Pain No Gain right?! I hope you all have a good weekend, I will be working 12 hour shifts the next two days. But until next time!

Psalm 55:22 
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A much needed break!

So when I woke up again last week with the pain in my right foot I decided to take the doctors advice and not run for a week. I went out of town for four days and Christmas came and went. I worked Christmas and the day after so I took advantage of the break. I enjoyed some much needed family time with both sides of my family as well as the husbands family. I still woke up today with the pain in the top of my right foot and am uncertain as to what it is. If it keeps up for much longer I will go back to the doctor and have her check it out. I have been sick ever since we got back from Amarillo. Yesterday and today I have felt more under the weather with a sore throat, cough, runny nose, chills, sweats and headache. Most likely a cold. The hubs suggested I not run today like I had planned as it was cold and sprinkling light, almost sleeting this evening and he wants me to get over whatever it is I have. But to keep going and get endurance back up after the time off I did an hour of Zumba! It was a good time and I worked up a sweat, but I noticed I still sweet hearted my foot. I must get back to jogging and training as quickly as possible so I am ready on race day! Sending lots of prayers up for a complete recovery of my foot so I can stay and keep on track! I hope you all had a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Psalm 119:28 ESV
My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Yesterday I was scheduled to run 3 miles. Well I worked 12 hours and my feet were in pain at the end of the day! We were extremely busy both yesterday and today at work. My poor feet! I keep telling myself that the more weight I lose the better the pain will get. But it is crazy to me to have this much pain in my feet! My right foot has been in worse pain than my left, my left foot actually hasn't been that bad with the orthotics. I think maybe work was so busy and I was going going going what felt like non stop and that is the reason for the extra pain?! The pain in the right foot can't be the plantar fasciitis pain I have each morning because it is hurting on the top of my foot. I can't turn my foot a certain way without the pain. Today was a scheduled off day and I got home around 7:45 from work which is a little later than expected so I didn't make up yesterdays run. I will go for a jog tomorrow and see if the pain is bearable while jogging. This week will be a little difficult to get all my jogs in as I am leaving town Thursday and it will be an 8 hour drive, and same for the trip home on Sunday. I will do my best however to get the workouts I can in! I haven't heard from Frankie on his training this week yet, but I've mainly just wanted to come home, kiss the hubs, love on and feed the boys, eat, shower, and go to bed myself. I'm wondering if I should have taken the docs advice last week when I went and taken a week off running and bike instead?! Although I think I will continue with the jogging and chalk this pain up to being a busy bee at work! Praying for less pain and great workouts!!

With God’s help we will do mighty things. 
Psalm 60:12

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Training Day 6

Well today started off with me waking up and going to weigh in and be measured for the end of a 12 week weight loss challenge I was doing with a local gym that I am a member of called Titan Fitness. I lost 12.2 pounds and 15 inches in the 12 week period! Super excited! I weighed in this morning at home before I left and I weigh 226.6, a loss of 18.4 pounds since September 1st! That is 3 weeks before the challenge started. It's coming off slowly, but surely! I did my regular 50 minute Zumba class with Ben at the gym along with my sister in law Liza (Frankie's wife). I then somehow talked Liza into running with me today. Per schedule yesterday was an off day and today was the week high of 5 miles. I told the gym owner this morning that I started training for a half marathon and he asked if I had paid for it yet. No, I haven't. I don't plan on paying for it until after the first of the year because of the Christmas Holiday. He proceeded to tell me that I'm not training yet then. Ugh! Really?! I guess he doesn't know I'm dedicated to this! I wanted to kick him in the shin, HARD! lol I did tell him that I am blogging about it and staying accountable. He just smiled and said ok, good. I'm sure he only wants to make sure that I am accountable and means well, but for the moment I did want to kick him in the shin! I'll be forwarding my blog address to him later so he can start reading for himself! Hi Josh!

So back to the training info. I wore my orthotics to Zumba today and for jogging. The feet didn't hurt as bad during the jog, but I felt like I was falling apart afterwards. Its probably a good thing that I had to work 4 hours this afternoon-evening otherwise I would have probably gotten stiff resting.

I did 5.39 miles in 1h 26m 08s. I do realize this is slow, but I jogged the entire way! Liza did a great job too, she stayed with me the majority of the way although she walked at times she was able to catch back up to me. I just have to remember this:

I work tomorrow and Monday 12 hour shifts so those will both be off days I imagine!  
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend! 

Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. I Timothy 4:12

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Training Day 5!

Tuesday night I made a trip to Walmart and bought custom fit orthotics by Dr. Scholls. I wore them to work for a 12 hour shift on Wednesday and my feet hurt by the end of the day. Today I signed up extra for 4 hours and wore them again and today my feet felt better. I went to the park with Graysen today planning on jogging my 3 miles per plan while pushing Graysen in his stroller. I only did 2.18 miles in 33:50. It was hard! My calves were on fire! I walked several times during today's jog which saddened me because I've been doing so well not stopping during my other training days. I chalked it up to the fact that I was still getting used to the orthotics. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try again. It is suppose to be an off day but I'm going to have to switch around my off days depending on my work schedule.

Frankie ran 2.21 miles in 22:10 yesterday when he intended on doing 3. He said he rolled his ankle and had to stop, but he is planning on getting an ankle brace and new running shoes and will persevere! Please pray for healing and strength for us both as we continue on this journey together!!

Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. 
Psalm 119:105

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Training Day 4

Yesterday per the schedule was an off day and I didn't even do the elliptical as I had planned. But I let my muscles rest as they say and my body wasn't nearly as sore today as I was the first three days.

Frankie text me his stats earlier this evening. He did 3 miles today, so proud of him. My sis in law even did the first 2 miles with him so he only did one alone. He did 3.08 miles in 33:42! Way to go! The last mile that he did alone he broke 10 minutes and did it in 9:36! I have no doubt by race day he will be at or under 7 minute miles. I know he's surpassed that back in his running days! I'm hoping that we will be able to run together soon and do some hills together as well since there will be plenty event day!

I got a late start to my jog this evening and since the hubs knew I would be jogging in the dark he went to Walmart on the way home and bought me a reflective vest. :0) He is always looking out for me! In September my friend Caitlin and I started working out together and although we haven't done much of it together since we started, she text me this evening and asked me if I had done my run yet. Since I hadn't, I invited her along. I'm so glad she came because who wants to run in the dark alone?! We did the same 4.12 miles that I did on Saturday. Only I didn't beat my 1h33s time. Today we did the 4.12 miles in 1:04:54. It was 41 degrees out and dropping, but the good thing was I didn't have to carry water and wasn't beat red for two hours after. Caitlin did a great job and even though the plan called for 3 miles we did 4. I had to stop once to readjust the ankle support I was wearing but started back jogging as soon as I was done and it took less than a minute to readjust. Caitlin occasionally would walk but caught right back up with me without a problem. I was sad because I carried my phone in the pocket on the vest instead of on my arm strap and for some reason it only logged 3.06 miles. We did 2 of the miles around the track at the park and it was one of those that it did not pick up. We even got in the car to double checked that it was a mile to the park! Because if not, I am only cheating myself. It was in fact a mile to the park and a mile back home. I guess next time I will keep it on my arm where I can continue to look at it from time to time!

This is a picture of Caitlin and I last year around this time 
when we went to a concert in Dallas.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

Doctor Ankle

Today I went to the doctor to see about my sore left ankle. I wanted to make sure there was  no stress fracture or fracture of any kind before I continued training. They did a 3 view xray of my ankle and luckily there is no fracture. The NP wants me to bike for a week and medicate with Advil or Tylenol as needed and ice as needed. Pretty much what I have been doing, only I've been running on it. I told her I started the 16 week training program and she said to start back after a week. When I told her I only have 15 weeks before the event she kindly laughed and said I could still run on it but it would still hurt. I left not knowing whether I would bike long distances to help with endurance or whether I was going to continue to jog on it, but also relief that I could still continue with this journey! Praise God because I didn't want to have to quit! 

I liked how I went to the xray room and they actually put them on films and sent them with me back to the waiting room until they called me back again. Here is a picture of one view. :) My plans are to go buy the Dr. Scholl's orthotics from the store and see if those help with the pain any because I have every intention to continue with training, I will persevere! 

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 NIV

I also like the way The Message puts it:

Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. Romans 12:11-13

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Training Day 3

I was sitting in church this morning trying to figure out why God put this half marathon on my heart. I haven't come to a reason why yet, but I learned early on to not question God and just go with it. So that is what I am doing! Please lift me and my brother up in prayer as we go on this journey. I thank God during and after every run because I know I can not get through it without Him!

Frankie sent me his stats this morning. He did 2.02 miles in 22:47, he shaved 2 minutes and 2 seconds off his time! Awesome job, I am so proud of him! When I set off this evening I was planning on doing 3 miles as the plan set up. I wore an ankle wrap on my left ankle thinking that would help me, but no luck. What started out as ankle pain started to wrap around the middle of my foot. Maybe I have high arches?! I'm pretty sure orthotics might help me. I think I'm going to try that Dr. Scholl's machine with the custom fit orthotics. I don't think I can handle the pain much longer. Today I ran 4.14 miles in 1:04:21. Yes, a little slower than yesterday, but I'm still proud I got 4 miles done! I ran some roads that were inclined. I wouldn't call them hills by any means but they had a little elevation to them. Trust me my quads felt it. My body, legs included are still sore, but not as bad as day one and two. I am very thankful for that! I'm hoping the running gets easier and easier and that my times start to improve with time. I know it will get harder because the distances are getting longer, I'm just hoping to be less sore when I do it and to be able to finish all I have started out to do!

I want to give a BIG shout out to my husband David! I know he must be thinking what have I gotten into with training for a half marathon?! Because when I take on new and extra things I don't just get myself into them, but him as well! He just smiles and encourages me in everything I do. My last endeavor was my BSN which I finished this August. David works M-F 8-5 and regularly mows on weekends, keeps the yard looking beautiful, does housework, bathes the boys every night, and cooks dinner at least 4 times a week. (Yes he does ALL of that, regularly, I am truly BLESSED!) And with me out running an hour + out of the day/night he does even more and goes above and beyond for us. He doesn't complain at all, ever! I am undeserving of all he does for us and truly THANKFUL for it all! Thanks baby for all you do for our family! I am truly blessed beyond measure!

22 Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. 23The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. 33 And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband. Ephesians 5:22,23,33 The Message

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Training Day 2

Today, December 8, 2012 was my second day of training for the half marathon. My goal was to jog 3 miles under one hour or jog for an hour. I set off from my house with my running app and music on and a water bottle in hand. I told my husband where I would be running and to call and check on me in an hour, because I should be home, and Lord knows I may have fallen out. I've had a sore left ankle that I noticed in Zumba about 2 weeks ago and been nursing it ever since and I have plantar fasciitis in my right foot, but I'm still doing this! The park is about a mile from my house and I planned to run a mile around the track at the park and then run back home for my total of 3 miles. I was kidless today and while at the park I decided it was a good idea to run two miles while there and then I would have no choice but to do a total of 4, after all  I hadn't driven there today. What I love most about biking or jogging is my chance to speak openly to God. My faith has seen me through many of journeys and struggles through life and I need God at my side to pull through every workout and everyday! I love having the chance to have a one on one conversation with my maker, and worshiping Him when a good song comes on my iPhone! Today I jogged 4.12 miles in 1h00m33s! Yes sirree! I beat my goal and did an extra mile that I didn't plan! The Bearathon closes after 4 hours which is about 18 minute/mile, I'm worried I may not finish in time, but I will keep training! 

Frankie started training today and he completed 2.01 miles in 24:49, he of course said "it sucked" and that he can't feel his foot afterwards, but he also said that he is going to try again in the morning! I am so proud of him! I know he doesn't like those numbers at all but for not training in 13+ years, we all have to start somewhere. Besides, I relish in these times that aren't far from mine, because come race day I know he will finish far sooner than me! We must also remember: The Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Weight loss

For those of you who know me, you know I have been on a weight loss journey most of my teen and adult life. My husband and I had our second child on July 24, 2012. On September 1st, just a few days before my 6 week check up after having Graysen via cesarean section I decided since he was our last child, that this is my time, and thus my weight loss journey really began. I say really because I got on a weight loss kick last year, lost some weight, and I kept it off, until I got pregnant. Since September 1, 2012, I have been active at least twice a week, more the month of September because I didn't go back to work from maternity leave until October 1st. Since then I have been doing a number of things to lose weight from biking, I LOVE biking, to walking with the occasional rare jogging in there, elliptical, 2 days (yes only 2 days) of boot camp, Zumba, I LOVE LOVE Zumba, eating better and I even started using some AdvoCare products that I love daily and I even did a 24 day challenge. I didn't try Zumba until September of this year and wish I would have gotten on that band wagon sooner as I love it! After coming home from having Graysen, I weighed a whooping 261# pounds. On September 1st when I weighed in I was 245 and at my pre-pregnancy weight. At my last weigh in on 11/24/12, I weighed in at 228.6. I'm working my way down the scale and have an ultimate goal of about 145 or happy and healthy! A 100 pound difference from my pre-pregnancy weight, but I truly believe I can accomplish this goal. My first goal I set for myself is to be 220, a loss of 25 pounds by December 31st. I have 8.6 pounds to go which isn't impossible. I may or may not achieve it by December 31st, but I will get it done! I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated!

I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as the mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. Matthew 17:20

Training Day 1

Yesterday marked a big milestone for me! Day one of my training for my first half marathon! I say first because God willing I will enjoy it and want to do more and more! The plan we looked up says to do 3 miles for your first run. Hello!? I don't run, like at all, so how do they expect me to up and run 3 miles my first go at it? Like I mentioned before I would be tweaking the plan a bit. I don't plan on tweaking the distance unless it is further and except for day one. My plan was to run jog 2 miles. When I say run, I say it loosely, I mean jog when I say run, so I may say them interchangeably. So off I went to the park my two little boys in tow to jog my 2 miles. I have a 3 year old son, Caden, and a four and a half month old son , Graysen! They are my joy in life! God has truly blessed me beyond measure with them and I am truly thankful! I pushed Graysen in his stroller and brought along Caden's bike to ride along the concrete half mile trail. I told Caden, who is wise beyond his years, that we would do 4 times around and then head home for mommy to shower and then off to the jumping place when daddy got home. Graysen did amazingly the entire 2 miles, not a cry once from him! Mommy was proud! Caden on the other hand was a little bit of a different story. Don't get me wrong he soared on his bike around the trail and laughed and giggled and had a blast!...the first time around. Then he was done! lol I love that kid, I kept jogging along telling him come on Caden we have 3 more times, and so he pumped his pistons like Thomas the train and off we went. He wanted to stop on more than one occasion to pick mommy a flower, yes in Central Texas we still have flowers in December! At one point he got ahead of me and turned sharp to look back at me and tumbled to the ground. My little guy jumped back up as I was running faster to see that he was ok and he said "I'm ok mommy!" He is such a trooper so off we went again. I kept coaxing him to keep going and when I would get a little bit ahead of him he would holler "mommy wait!" He would catch up to me and tell me "I'm gunna grab your shirt mommy and you can pull me." Yes, he was serious as he tried more than once to do this.I finally put my left hand out and while pushing Graysen's stroller with my right hand I held Caden's hand and pulled him parts of the way. For a break, I would tell him "race me to the finish line" and he would simply say "I'm done racin." Luckily for me at the forth time around a man came on his bike and I thought this will be great, Caden will want to ride like him. I wasn't so lucky. Bless Caden's heart he was tired, but he reluctantly trudged through to the end! This was a picture of my view on our first jogging adventure during training day 1!

My first days stats weren't all that great, but I was proud of them, after all I jogged the entire way pushing a stroller and even pulling Caden on his bike at times. I use an app on my iPhone that records my distance and time and plays my music. I love it! I finished 2.04 miles in 34:57! Some may laugh and I'm ok with that, I know it is slow, but for me this is a challenge that I am taking head on. I'm all in! Afterall, Anything is possible if a person believes. Mark 9:23 

16 week plan

Thursday night when I thought up this hair brained idea I researched plans to help me train. I found some 12 week plans and a few 16 week plans. Together Frankie and I decided that the 16 week plan was best for us. I need all the help I can get to be prepared both physically and emotionally for this journey! Frankie does too since he hasn't ran in years and not at all in an organized event since before his accident. This is the plan that we decided on:

Week 1
3 Miles
3 Miles
4 Miles
3 Miles
Week 2
3 Miles
3 Miles
5 Miles
3 Miles
Week 3
4 Miles
4 Miles
6 Miles
3 Miles
Week 4
4 Miles
4 Miles
6 Miles
3 Miles
Week 5
5 Miles
5 Miles
7 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 6
5 Miles
5 Miles
7 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 7
6 Miles
4 Miles
8 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 8
6 Miles
4 Miles
8 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 9
5-6 Miles
4-5 Miles
9 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 10
5-6 Miles
4-5 Miles
9 Miles
2-3 Miles
Week 11
6 Miles
5 Miles
10 Miles
2 Miles
Week 12
6 Miles
5 Miles
10 Miles
2 Miles
Week 13
5-6 Miles
4-5 Miles
11 Miles
2 Miles
Week 14
5-6 Miles
4-5 Miles
12 Miles
2 Miles
Week 15
5-6 Miles
4-5 Miles
6 Miles
3 Miles
Week 16
4-5 Miles
4-5 Miles
13.1 Miles

I got this plan here.
We are having to tweak it to fit our needs a bit and since week one is only 3 days long for us because it started on Friday I didn't use it as an off day. I am hoping that this will be a plan that works for us and gets us ready for race day! What do y'all think of the plan?

Proverbs 16:3 NLT
   Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.